Great article on diversification and very nicely written. One subtle but important thing I'd add is that it's not just number of stocks, it's the number of 'return streams'. I recently wrote a short note on this but essentially, it's also worth diversifying across different strategies as well. Keep up the work!
I think the Core Satellite 📡 strategy is a great choice for the amateur investor (market return with a preferred basket of stocks). But for the serious investor all in a few stocks is for sure the best way. Thanks for the interesting essay.
What a great overview of the most fundamental portfolio idea. (Also, I appreciate the emojis ...)
Very helpful, thanks!
That's great to hear, Adrian! Thank you 🙏
Great article on diversification and very nicely written. One subtle but important thing I'd add is that it's not just number of stocks, it's the number of 'return streams'. I recently wrote a short note on this but essentially, it's also worth diversifying across different strategies as well. Keep up the work!
I think the Core Satellite 📡 strategy is a great choice for the amateur investor (market return with a preferred basket of stocks). But for the serious investor all in a few stocks is for sure the best way. Thanks for the interesting essay.